Southall Farm & Inn Development – Traffic Impact Study
- Mixed-Use development that consisted of an inn, guest cottages, commissary, florist, various retail, office space, depot/warehouse, and event center
- Six (6) intersections analyzed
- 4,195 daily generated trips
- 375 peak hour generated trips
- Improvement recommendations included:
- Widen 1,700 linear feet of Carters Creek Pike (TN-246)
- Traffic signal at the intersection of Carters Creek Pike and Southall Road
- Northbound Carters Creek Pike left-turn lane onto Southall Road
- Southbound Carters Creek Pike right-turn lane onto Southall Road
- Eastbound Southall Road left-turn lane onto Carters Creek Pike
- Left and right-turn lanes along Carters Creek Pike at two (2) site accesses